
Here's Your Chance to Win a Copy of Making Paper Flowers!

Good morning, everyone! I've got one hot-off-the-presses signed copy of my new book/kit, Making Paper Flowers , that I'll be giving away to one lucky reader!

DSC_0023 26

How do you enter? It's easy. Just leave a comment on this post by Friday, April 8th. On Monday, April 11th, I'll randomly select the winner, and announce it on the blog. I'll request that the winner email me with their contact info, and a I'll drop that copy right in the mail.

To learn more about what's inside the book and kit, please visit HERE.

Good luck, everyone!


Shai said...

I would love this book!

Liz @ The Shrinking Owl said...

I have a friend who would adore this book!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really fun book!

I found my way over from your kitty committee blog, and have to say that even if I don't win this, I will probably be going out to find this in the bookstore soon!

Anonymous said...

...and I realized that I should probably have left my email address on that last comment! :)

Sara said...

I would love to try making some of these flowers!

Unknown said...

I would love your book (and Linus - but I'm too far away to take him)!

Anonymous said...

me me me! I would love to make paper flowers!

Anonymous said...

Laurie---I'd love a copy. I've been experimenting with paper craft flowers lately, but need some new ideas. Smoochies to all the kitties, especially Miss B.

Tina & The Kittyboyz

finsterbaby said...

this looks like such a neat book-your crafts are beautiful. good luck! and i love the ittybitties. *squeeeee*

TrinityCreed said...

Can't argue with you there - a book by one of my favorite bloggers? Would be an awesome honor. Could we get a kitty print signature from the bean too? :)

Lindsay Dudzick said...

Adorable! I'd like a copy. :)

CareaBearaSara said...

I'd love a copy! It'd give me something to do now that I'm unemployed! LoL

Catie said...

Oh my gosh I NEED this book.

Karen said...

I can always use a pretty new book!

Erin said...

Such a lovely book and thank you for the chance to win it! Love all that you do!

AliceBlue said...

How spiffy, because just last night, as I pulled up at home after a Barnes & Noble trip, I smacked my forehead for having forgotten to snag your book.

Kate said...

Congratulations on the book, it looks fantastic! I've been strongly considering buying it and would be thrilled to win it.

Tabitha W said...

I would love a copy, but I want to use it as a therapy tool for some of the youth I work it. We currently use oragami and I think this would just be a great addition!!

The Glamourous One said...

I would love a copy!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy! My kitty would love to chew on some lovely paper flowers.

Layla said...

I always loved making paper flowers when I was a kid, so having a copy of your kit would be amazing!

Mary said...

Congrats on the book; it's been on my radar to buy. It'd be even greater to win, though!

Christine said...

So exciting! Congrats on the book, Laurie!

LindaSonia said...

Yippee... count me in. I'd love to have this book!!

Author said...

The book looks awesome!

Unknown said...

I've never made paper flowers before, but your book cover makes me want to give it a try. I'd love to win this.

Unknown said...

Always looking for more crafts to do :) I would love a copy!

Anonymous said...

Intrigued by how beautiful the flowers look...but are they cat-approved to not be mistaken for chew toys? :-)

traci m said...

I would like a copy :)

Anonymous said...

Love these flowers!!! Fingers crossed :)

damiarain at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Would love to make some flowers to decorate my apartment. And since they aren't real maybe my kitty won't be tempted to eat them! (unlikely, though)

onceuponarainyday said...

This is just what I've been looking for!

I have wanted to try making paper flowers for quite some time, but couldn't find the right book.

yorksgalsue said...

As I can't buy the book in the UK I'd love a copy please

suev said...

You are so creative and the book looks amazing! Also, I am a regular follower of your IBKC blog love the kitties.

Laura Eppich said...

I would love this book. And Kirby.

Tanya Sloan said...

Pick me pick me! I want to make some paper flowers!

Mary Ann said...

This would be perfect for Easter gifts!!! Would love to have this.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Love IBKC and this blog too, they always make me smile. You are amazingly talented and I'd love to have an autographed copy of your book.

Mary Louise

Dash said...

Pick me!! Pick me!! I ordered two as gifts but would LOVE one for myself!

Karen said...

Yes, Please!

Axeldicat said...

I love to have a copy of your book ... :)

Jeannie said...

Oh yes! Since snow is in the forecast (what is going on?!), making my own flowers would make me think it is spring. :)

Carla M said...

Please enter me. I would really enjoy this book. If I don't win I'll probably buy it anyway. Love your crafts and kittens!

*julia said...

I would love this book also!

Unknown said...

The book/kit looks wonderful!

Alice said...

Pick me a pocket full of paper flowers. Would love to have a copy of your book.

Amy M said...

This would be a fun book!
I love the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee!

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Count me in...congrats on the book!

Unknown said...

This is exactly what my kitties and I would love to do while I am convalescing!

mirabelle said...

how do you manage to wrangle all those kitties and make such pretty flowers?!

Susan said...

The book/kit looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

sandra said...

Congrats on the book! Would LUV to win a copy!

kathi said...

Ooooh, I want this book. Fingers crossed that I win!

lauren. said...

Looks awesome and super fun!

amandaaaaaaa said...

awesome! i'd love to buy this book but don't have money for it so it would be cool to win it. :D

Jessica said...

I want to win!

Unknown said...

My best friend would adore this!

Betseysmom said...

It's on my B&N list already... but if I win I'll save you the postage and come get it. (And scritch the Medleys...)

Danielle F said...

What an awesome giveaway! I was just thinking that I needed to try my hand at another craft. :)

Anonymous said...

Suzanne W said...I too have a friend who would enjoy this kit too. I've already purchased & recieved my special autographed copy, thank you!!! Can't wait to start. My only disappointment was that the book was published in....CHINA! Not your choice or fault, but still.

Isabeau said...

Ooh, me please :D

Anonymous said...

The book look out-of-this world wonderful! Donilee

Susan said...

Count me in, Laurie. I know someone who would absolutely love this book. (I would too, of course:)

Dee said...

I could use some flowers today. :)

Scientific Chick said...

Here's a contest I can't resist. I've been toying with the idea of making my own bouquet for a commitment celebration... This would come in just at the right time! So exciting!

Vaedri said...

Count me in - this looks lovely!

Sam said...

Fell in love with The Bean, then the kittens...THEN I met you in NYC at Martha's Craft Show...Bought 2 of the Christmas ornaments and a boutinnaire for me.
Teal with a tiny reindeer made my holiday dress look wonderful.

Thanks for sharing your crafts and cats.

camelama said...

Fun! I haven't tried much papercrafting before, could be a new hobby. :)

Anonymous said...

Dewi Casgwent
Not only Foster Mom extraordinarire but wonder craftsperson as well. I'll understand if you limit this to US only


Anonymous said...

Not only Foster Mom Kitten Wrangler but Craftswoman Extraordinaire

Dewi CasGwent
PS I'll understand if you limit the draw to US only

scrapgeek14 said...

Love paper crafts and flowers, so this book would be perfect for me!

Eileen said...

Wonderful! Congratulations!

Snow said...

I want to learn how to make paper flowers!

Jill M. said...

This is great! I enjoy the color of flowers, but hesitate to purchase them for many reasons. I would love the book and plan to purchase it anyway. If I win, I'm sending it to my sister-in-law as a gift.

Aneeter said...

Want... want so much!!! My students and I would really have fun with this!!

Catherine said...

Linus sent me over here from IBKC. I would love to tap into my creative side with your lovely kit! (And you have many lovely fur-kits too!)

Diamond said...

Oh us please! I hope I win.

Lyndsay said...

I've been such a huge fan for so long of what you do Laurie - dying to get my hands on this book and fully intend to buy it as soon as I can work out how to in Australia. You're awesome! The end :)

Tutu ADD said...

me, me, me. :)

christine H

deadrose said...

Oh, this would be perfect for me!

Miki said...

Oh, cool! I want to be in! :)

Congrats on the book, again!


Natalie said...

I am interested! Your paper flowers are gorgeous and I'd love to try my hand at making some.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win! Thanks Gail

Anonymous said...

Yes I also forgot my email addy gailgoodhand@yahoo.com

Alison said...

How cool this would be! Kitties and crafty books! Sign me up!

Christel said...

I would love to win this book! Enter me in the contest! godzlilprincess_03@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh I so would love to have a signed copy - a butterbean paw print in it would be great too

Swirly Designs said...

We would love to add your book to our collection. We found your website form the Martha Craft show and have been following you ever since:)
Lianne & Paul

Sandy E said...

pick me! pick me! I love flowers, especially ones that don't make me sneeze.

Sandi said...

Oh, Laurie, you know I'll buy your book anyway, but if I won it, I'd give that copy to someone I love.

Karen said...

Laurie, it's my daughter's 17h birthday and she loves paper crafts. I would give this to her as a belated b-day gift. I'm in WA and am SO tempted to come get all of the Medleys. I am in love with them!
Karen aka koffeekat

janna said...

Choose me, choose me! ;-)

dani said...

Please & Thank you :)

janna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pumpkin said...

Ohh...I'd like to enter too!

Jennifer Lawrence said...

would love to have this book/kit.. Thanks!

Jacqueline Anne said...

Your book looks beautiful! Congrats on your achievement =) I would love to add this book to my shelves

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

I've been dreaming of making flowers lately!

Shawn said...

I would also love a copy! If I don't win I'll buy one :D

Shaina said...

I want to win! This book is cute, the kitties are cute, everything about your life is cute!

clarenceandoliver said...

I want to make pretty flowers! Pick me! Pick me!

solka said...

It's my dream! :)

Mari said...

It looks just like something that I'd like to have in my craft book collection,nso count me in!

Liane said...

Such a great giveaway! Yes, please!

Mel said...

would love a copy! :)

Lisa of Lisa's Little House said...

Good gravy...look at all these comments! Put my name in the hat, please...I already have a copy but could use another!

Unknown said...

Looks like great fun in your colorful, classic style!

Carrie said...

The book looks great!


Sandy said...

The book is just beautiful...thanks for a chance to win it.

GD said...

ME...ME....Pick MEEEEEE! :)

Anonymous said...

No hat but I'll throw my comment in. Your book looks delightful!

smenglert30 said...

would love to learn how you make those beautiful flowers!

smenglert30 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cori said...

Pick me!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on your publication! I would be tickled pink (and green and red and orange and white!) to win a copy :-)

The Hickersons said...

Congrats again, Laurie! A book, the Bean and adorable kittens - who could ask for more?

Darin said...

Congratulations on what looks like a great book! I'd like to throw my hat in the ring, and say I'm an IBKC person - but I've tried making paper flowers before, and the results were tragic. This might help me to redeem myself. :-)

The Venerable Bead said...

Many will enter, only one will win. ;) Laurie you are a creative genius!

Lacey said...

I think your book looks amazing! I would love to win a copy!

Clarissa said...

Our mom would love an opportunity to win your book. She is the crafty sort. Not having thumbs, since we are cats, it would be quite hard for us to craft paper flowers.

Logan D. said...

I would love a copy. The flowers look amazing!

JoesHottie said...

I have been eying thing book since it came out!

Crystal said...

I would adore this!!!

Halfpint said...

I love your flowers almost as much as I love your kittens!

Betsy said...

I am an avid IBKC follower and a crafty-wannabe. This book sounds like fun for me to learn how to make flowers and fun for my cat to play with the results!

We will become like birds said...

I love your kittens, and I love your crafts, and I would love this book!

Catherine said...

Love, love, lovely! I would cover my house in flowers!

Michele said...

I would love to win. Love your cat blog!

Tassie Gniady said...

It's so lovely--and I'm sure my cats would enjoy them!

exlibriscat said...

Long time fan. First time commenter! Holla!

Ker said...

I would love this little treasure!

Neen said...

Want! I can't resist a new craft!

hearsmusic said...

I would love a chance to try to make these!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try making those. (windowcat at Ravelry)

Chris N said...

What an ingenious and creative way to create gardens of flowers that last all year long. Ooh. La. La. Love it!

Heidemarie said...

What an accomplishment. Beautiful book and thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Unknown said...

I'm going to throw my name into the hat as well.

I'd love to learn to make paper flowers!

AislingCat said...

I would love love love a copy!

Unknown said...

kittens and Crafts... a girl after my own heart!

J. Christina Huh said...

I only have copies of the old Dennison books. I'm looking forward to fresh new flower patterns!

Rachel said...

I'd love a copy!

gloria g. said...

Oh how sweet to offer.....I would love a copy of your new book! And that Linus......what a looker.

gloria g. in South Carolina

NoBloggingJustReading said...

so happy for you that you have a book!! I've been an IBKC follower for years now, and have always loved the crafts/ flower arranging you do.

Laurie Cinotto said...

OK, Everyone! No more contest entries, we'l be announcing the winner on Monday!

Upcycle, Recycle, Reuse said...

Love the book. Looks like fun!